Rasing The Bar: Cosmopolitan
Trainee Assistant Manager, Will Morris, shows us how to make a delicious Cosmopolitan cocktail complete with a flamed orange peel twist. The reason for the twist is to release the oils of the peel which subtly enhances the flavours of the drink. Flaming the peel lightly caramelises the oils and also creates a vibrant show at the bar.
The origin of this classic cocktail is disputed. It tends to be believed that the drink was created independently by various different bartenders since the 1970s. According to Sally Ann Berk and Bob Sennett, the Cosmopolitan cocktail appears in literature as early as 1993 and derives from New York City.
25ml Absolut citron
25ml Cointreau
50ml Cranberry Juice
Dash of lime juice
Take a martini glass and fill with crushed ice to chill, place to one side
Add 25ml of Absolut citron, 25ml Cointreau, a dash of lime juice and 50ml of cranberry juice to a Boston glass.
Fill the Boston glass with cubed ice and attach the Boston tin
Shake until the tin is cold to touch
Empty the ice from the martini glass
Double strain the drink using a Hawthorn strainer and fine strainer into the martini glass
Cut and flame a slice of orange peel
Serve and enjoy!