Tree Nation
a Mission to Reforest the World
From the very beginning Oakman’s aim was simple, to run a business that we are proud of and leave things a little better than we found them for our neighbours and guests, the local communities we work in and the wider environment. With climate change a major concern around the world, it is important to us that we consider our impact on the environment not only as a business but as individuals.
We collaborated with Tree-Nation, to take small steps to help our team and our guests offset their daily CO2 emissions, with a simple cup of coffee.
Tree-Nation are a not-for-profit organisation who help support local communities, create jobs, and protect biodiversity through reforestation and conservation projects across the world. We supported their efforts by contributing to tree planting projects in both Madagascar and Tanzania. Find out more about their mission, projects, and the tree species below.
Funding the Oakman Forest
The sale of coffees and kids drinks in our venues.
Through our partnership we have planted over a million trees, off-setting over 25,000 tonnes of carbon in their lifetime.
100 trees were planted each time we opened a new Oakman venue.
The Oakman Forest & Tree-Nation Projects
Madagascar - Eden Projects
Located in the northwest of Madagascar, the Eden Reforestation Project has successfully planted 16millon dry deciduous trees and mangroves in this remote area since its inception in 2007. Deforestation contributes to 17% of all CO2 emission, and in Madagascar it has created major issues as the extreme rates of habitat loss have impacted many endemic species. The destruction of healthy forests can also create significant challenges for the locals living in the area as trees help to purify water sources, control flooding and erosion and help to replenish the soils with nutrients needed for farming. This results in many farmers being unable to provide for their families but through their projects Tree-Nation hire locals to plant the trees, providing them with a stable income and is the starting point of the reforestation project which begins to reverse the negative effects of deforestation.
As part of Oakman’s Forest, the following species were planted:
Rhizophora Mucronata
Ceriops Tagal
Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza
Avicennia Marina
These fast-growing trees are strong, specialise in fertalising soil and help build the base of a plantation system.
Tanzania - Usambara Biodiversity Conservation
The primary goal of the conservation project in Usambara is to help preserve the biodiversity of the rainforests of the Eastern Arc Mountains. Tanzania is among the countries in the world experiencing high deforestation rates with population growth in the region putting pressure on the Magamba Nature Reserve due to needing building material, cooking fuel and other tree products. Tree Nursery projects will help reforest the land whilst also planting in villages around the reserve to assure adequate tree availability for the local communities.
As part of Oakman’s Forest, the following species were planted:
Albizia gummifera
Newtonia buchanamii
Planted in large quantities and fast growing, these strong trees help form a base of a plantation system and are soil fertilising species
About Tree Nation
Tree-Nation are on a mission to reforest the world
Deforestation is responsible for almost a fifth of all climate change emissions, and one the most efficient solution to the problem is through planting trees. Tree-Nation fund reforestation and conservation projects across the globe which not only restore forests and work to protect biodiversity of the area but also address poverty issues in the regions in which they operate by supporting local communities and creating jobs.
Beginning with a single project in Niger in 2006, Tree-Nation is now involved in 95 reforestation projects around the globe and have planted some 9.5million trees offsetting 1.3billion kilograms of carbon emissions.